What is a counterfeit product?
A counterfeit product is an imitation or copy of another company's product. Counterfeit goods typically use the trademarks (name or logo) and/or other distinctive features of the company whose products are being imitated. The manufacture, promotion and sale of counterfeit goods is a type of trademark infringement. In most countries, such actions are considered illegal and are considered detrimental to consumers, trademark owners and bona fide retailers. Counterfeit goods may be considered illegal even if the seller explicitly declares them to be fake or otherwise denies their authenticity.
If you believe that counterfeit goods are being sold or promoted through content on Instagram, you can complain about them by filling out this form.
You can also use the Brand Protection tool, which allows rights holders to identify and report content containing counterfeit goods or trademark or copyright infringements to us.
Based on trends over the past 2022, we have noticed that most content blocking is done automatically by Instagram's algorithms without the intervention of rights holders or others.