How do you Instagram your dog?

Quite often, our service is contacted by Instagram users who have accounts with posts about dogs, these accounts are often blocked.


You can't post content on Instagram that sells animals - including dogs, unless you are an official store.

Violations can be considered as the algorithm instagram itself for complained about by indifferent users.

How to minimize the risk of blocking?

If you are an official store, then:

1. be sure to provide a link to the store's website - if any

2. provide the physical address of the store

3. link your Facebook - create it if you don't have one

4. set up a page of the store in Facebook

Please note that in the account itself Facebook specify the data real person, be sure to specify the name and surname, exactly as stated in your passport, as well as establish an avatar, similar to the photo in your passport.

If you do not sell animals, try to avoid any mention of anything related to the sale in your posts and posts. Also, exclude photos that can be attributed to animal cruelty, even if this game - Instagram algorithms may misunderstand.

Also, closing your account can help reduce the risk.

If your posts have been deleted for such violations, it's best to archive all controversial content, rename the account - adding a letter or number is enough, and temporarily block it for 2-3 weeks - block it, not delete it.

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