Hot news from Instagram

Instagram doesn't stand still. We have collected the latest news, which will definitely excite most of you.

New fonts in Stories are finally available to everyone. If you still don't have it on your device, try to update the Instagram app through App Store or Play Market.

Another update is about reactions to stories. Previously, a notification about every reaction came to direct messages and opened a new conversation with the user. Now such responses are collected in a summary that can be found in Story Interactions. It's convenient and doesn't clog up dialogs!

However, Instagram has not yet applied the new feature to all accounts. Some will have to wait a bit.

And of course, users are waiting for Instagram to launch Reels. There are rumors that it will happen on Wednesday, August 5th. Reels is a kind of analog of the popular app TikTok. First of all, the service was launched only in Brazil, and it looked almost like a story. However, the developers quickly realized that they needed to change the concept.

Reels is built right into Instagram and lets you create short music videos. You can like them, comment, and send them to friends. Does it look like a story? This is only at first glance. The feature of the new service is in the tools that help to edit the video right in the app. What is more, it makes it bright and fun. Like TikTok.

Reels is slowly becoming available in other countries, but not in Russia. Well, we have to wait, as always. Who has received updates already? Show off!

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