Blocked on instagram for copying brands

A common reason for blocking Instagram accounts is copyright or trademark infringement, as well as the sale of counterfeit goods.

"But I was selling copies and honestly told about it" - every second client with such blocking says to us, "did I deceive anyone?".

Selling counterfeit products (copies, luxury copies, replicas, etc.) is prohibited in most countries of the world and such content is forbidden to post on Instagram, Facebook and any other social media accounts.

Being honest with your customers is not enough, Instagram will not appreciate it), but the use of the words "copy, replica, luxury quality, etc." will appreciate very well and block you, as these are trigger words that lead (can lead) to block your Instagram account.

What else can cause the blocking of your Instagram account with the wording - copyright infringement, trademark infringement or sale of counterfeit?

Images - publishing content with brand images, brand symbols, stylistic features, elements, etc.

Blocking as a rule occurs without the participation of Instagram specialists. Content is regularly "bypassed" by a bot that checks texts and images.

Less often, blocking occurs after a complaint from the brand or the company of the brand's "protector".

What to do to prevent your Instagram from being blocked?

Don't sell copies). If you can't not sell, then try to minimize "dangerous" words and remove brand images, something we wrote above.

Blocked? You know who to contact.

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