Instagram was hacked and a fundraiser was posted

Instagram has been hacked and a fundraiser has been posted.

It's quite common to leaf through your Instagram feed and see a post or a story in which an Instagram user tells you that there has been an accident in his family and he urgently needs money to solve this problem. As a rule, to enhance the "effect", a photo of a document from the hospital, the person's documents and other information is added to increase the trust of the person who sees it.

Do not rush to transfer money.

99% of such publications are fraudulent due to the fact that the Instagram account was hacked, and fraudsters thus "raise money" not at all for the treatment of someone.

If you do want to look into it, be sure to call the person in question and clarify if what you saw is true.

If the person confirms that he did not post such information on Instagram, recommend him to contact our company

As practice shows, the sooner you start working, the higher the chance to return the hacked account to the owner and stop the transfer of money to the owners. Some of our clients told us that their subscribers managed to transfer more than 200 thousand rubles in a few hours. The Instagram account hacking industry, unfortunately, continues to bring fraudsters around the world billions of rubles every month, be careful.

What to do to prevent your Instagram account from being hacked?

1. Turn on two-factor authentication.

2. Do not publicly post the email address associated with your Instagram account. Better yet, make a separate email just for your Instagram account.

3. Don't click on suspicious links - remember, Instagram experts will never WhatsApp, text or Direct message you to appeal a complaint or apply for verification, for example.

4. Enable two-factor authentication in the mail associated with your Instagram account.

These measures will help keep your Instagram account safe from hacking.

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